Question A. Practicing pitch changes
It’s useful to try to distinguish sharper rises or falls in pitch marked by the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) from variations in intonation contour marked by the colon/underlines. Listen out for any differences in pitch, emphasis, and contour in the following clip:
Colhurt 12 5-6 3.53 07 Col: [hEn right now I don’t know (0.2) anything about 08 the god damn Watergate. Na[h- 09 Hun: [Yah[:. 10 Col: [.p.hhhhh supposing Teddy 11 Kennedy holds iz hearings.=en I get called up 12 there.=Well? [(.hhhh.t.hhhh)]Uhb. mhhh ah-I can’t (.) 13 [__(1.1)______ ] 14 Col: refuse tuh answer en I wouldn’t.=I’d answer thid uh 15 I jis’ don’ know I ed °no° idea what happened.= 16 Hun: =Yah. 17 (0.3) 18 Hun: Mm h[m 19 Col: [.pt En I don’t.
Can you mark pitch changes on this transcript?
Question B. Contours
On line 12 of the first segment (Colhurt 12 above), listen for elevated pitch and the down-to-up contour through “We↑:ll?” and then up-to-down through the word “ca:n’t”, and also “Ya:h.” on line 16. For a more complex example, listen for the up-down then down-up slide in the same word – home: “Home”
Home (Holt:SO88:2:11:2)
Gle: Uh::m (0.3) sixteenth a'December eez ho::[me
Question C. Pitch Resets
On lines 14-15 of “Colhurt 12” (above), listen out for the difference between Colson’s “↑woul↓dn’t” on line 14, and his “↑↑know” on line 15. Note also the difference between Hunt’s “[↓Yah[:.” On line 9 and his “Ya:h.” on line 16. Also, to hear the difference between a whole word and part of the word having elevated pitch, compare the 2 productions of “husband” on lines 1 and 4 in the following example:
01 Les: -> .hhhh No:w- (0.3) u-we-e m-my hus↑band asked et wo::rk, 02 an' some peh- u-we've never been there .hhhh I, our 03 ↑two local places've gone down hill ↓rather,hhh h-uhm 04 ->.p.hhh but u-my ↑husband asked et work 'n: people said 05 th't the Smithy et Charlton: Mus↓grove was quite good.↓hh
Note also, the marked fall in pitch starting on “grove” on line 5, and continuing to the end of the utterance.
Question D
Listen to the following clip titled “Are you exercising” (the link is below), noting:
- The two different deliveries of “exercising” on lines 1 and 3. The first has both a pitch shift and turn final rising intonation, the second no pitch shift and only slight rising intonation.
- The difference between these and the delivery of “want” in line 4, which has an “up to down” contour through the word, and ends on a slight turn final rise, marked by the comma
- The difference between “want” and “off” in lines 4 and 6:
Tiwa2 The Schedule
01 Hel: From seven,=Are you exercis↑ing? 02 (0.8) 03 Syb: ((to Glen)) Are we exercising, 04 Gle: If you wa:nt, 05 (0.3) 06 Gle: If you wanna take the week o:ff,=te like te work,