3. UI3: Nobody else 27.28 01 Call: h .hDHhh °~I’m the one ehverybody lea:ns on.~ 02 (0.5) 03 Would you ↑belie:ve it↑?° 04 CT: Mm. 05 (0.4) 06 Mm.= 07 Call: °My sister_° 08 (1.7) 09 Call: °My godson_° 10 (0.7) 11 CT: Mm. 13 Call: Hhhh .HH[hh ] 14 CT: [.Hh]h (0.5) [Th-] 15 Call: [°Wh]en things go wrong 16 >°°I’m the one they wanna come to?<°° 17 CT: Yeah. 18 Call: >.Hh .Hh< 19 (0.8) 20 Call: °°Nohb’dy helse°°