Exercise 1: Pitch and Contour Comparison

Question A. Practicing pitch changes

It’s useful to try to distinguish sharper rises or falls in pitch marked by the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) from variations in intonation contour marked by the colon/underlines. Listen out for any differences in pitch, emphasis, and contour in the following clip:

Colhurt 12 5-6 3.53
07 Col: [hEn right now I don’t know (0.2) anything about
08      the god damn Watergate. Na[h-
09 Hun:                           [Yah[:.
10 Col:                               [.p.hhhhh supposing Teddy
11      Kennedy holds iz hearings.=en I get called up
12      there.=Well? [(.hhhh.t.hhhh)]Uhb. mhhh ah-I can’t (.)
13                   [__(1.1)______ ]
14 Col: refuse tuh answer en I wouldn’t.=I’d answer thid uh
15      I jis’ don’ know I ed °no° idea what happened.=
16 Hun: =Yah.
17      (0.3)
18 Hun: Mm h[m
19 Col:     [.pt En I don’t.

Can you mark pitch changes on this transcript?


Question B. Contours

On line 12 of the first segment (Colhurt 12 above), listen for elevated pitch and the down-to-up contour through “We↑:ll?” and then up-to-down through the word “ca:n’t”, and also “Ya:h.” on line 16. For a more complex example, listen for the up-down then down-up slide in the same word – home: “Home”

Home (Holt:SO88:2:11:2)
Gle: Uh::m (0.3) sixteenth a'December eez ho::[me

Question C. Pitch Resets

On lines 14-15 of “Colhurt 12” (above), listen out for the difference between Colson’s “↑woul↓dn’t” on line 14, and his “↑↑know” on line 15. Note also the difference between Hunt’s “[↓Yah[:.” On line 9 and his “Ya:h.” on line 16. Also, to hear the difference between a whole word and part of the word having elevated pitch, compare the 2 productions of “husband” on lines 1 and 4 in the following example:

01 Les: -> .hhhh No:w- (0.3) u-we-e m-my hus↑band asked et wo::rk,
02         an' some peh- u-we've never been there .hhhh I, our
03         ↑two local places've gone down hill ↓rather,hhh h-uhm
04      ->.p.hhh but u-my ↑husband asked et work 'n: people said
05         th't the Smithy et Charlton: Mus↓grove was quite good.↓hh

Note also, the marked fall in pitch starting on “grove” on line 5, and continuing to the end of the utterance.

Question D

Listen to the following clip titled “Are you exercising” (the link is below), noting:

  1. The two different deliveries of “exercising” on lines 1 and 3. The first has both a pitch shift and turn final rising intonation, the second no pitch shift and only slight rising intonation.
  2. The difference between these and the delivery of “want” in line 4, which has an “up to down” contour through the word, and ends on a slight turn final rise, marked by the comma
  3. The difference between “want” and “off” in lines 4 and 6:

Tiwa2 The Schedule
01 Hel: From seven,=Are you exercis↑ing?
02      (0.8)
03 Syb: ((to Glen)) Are we exercising,
04 Gle: If you wa:nt,
05      (0.3)
06 Gle: If you wanna take the week o:ff,=te like te work,