News and Events


December 2, 2016: Discourses in Action symposium at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA:

Jonathan Potter gives an invited talk Action and Discourse: Orders of Contingency


November 10-13, 2016: RUCAL presentations at the National Communication Association (NCA) conference in Philadelphia, PA:

  • Anita Pomerantz and Jenny Mandelbaum – Advocating Healthy Eating through Interpersonal Interaction
  • Lisa Mikesell – The Use of Directives to Repair Embodied (Mis)Understandings in Interactions with Individuals Diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia 
(LSI top paper panel)
  • Lisa Mikesell – Idiosyncratic Practices as Compensatory Strategies: How Individuals Diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia Draw on Communicative Resources to Navigate Interactional Challenges
  • Lisa Mikesell, Alethea Marti, Jennifer Guzmán – ‘I Don’t Know What to Say’: Scaffolding Children’s Reporting of Medication Experiences during ADHD Medication Titration Clinic Visits
  • Alexa Hepburn and Jonathan Potter – Shaming, Admonishing and Socializing: Family Meals and Social Development 

    Darcey Searles – “Let’s Play Freeze Dance”: Invitations in Family Interactions (poster)
  • Alexa Bolanos-Carpio – When Emergencies Are Not Urgent: Requesting Help in Calls to the 911 (poster)
  • Wayne Beach, Galina Bolden, Phil Glenn, Alexa Hepburn, Charlotte Jones, Mardi Kidwell, Jenny Mandelbaum, Jonathan Potter, and Jeffrey Robinson – Conversation Analysis Data session
  • Heidi Kevoe-Feldman – The payoff of suppressing complaints in customer service encounters
  • Heidi Kevoe-Feldman and Anita Pomerantz – The problem of transfer to a second dispatcher in a 911 Wireless Call Center
RU medical interaction workshop

November 6-7, 2016: RUCAL hosts Medical Interaction Workshop with John Heritage and Anita Pomerantz

RU medical interaction workshop

November 2, 2016: Darcey Searles defends her dissertation proposal


October 23, 2016: RUCAL data session with Federico Rossano, UCSD.


October 7-8, 2016: The 6th Language and Social Interaction Working (LANSI) meeting at the Teacher’s College, New York, NY:

Alexa Hepburn gave a plenary talk titled Accomplishing Socialization” in Family Mealtimes: From Asking to Admonishing

Galina Bolden, Beth Angell, and Alexa Hepburn – Clients’ Requests for Medication Changes in Psychiatry

Stephen DiDomenico – Personalizing the Help-Seeking Experience: Call Openings with “Regular” Callers on a Crisis Help Line

July 11-14, 2016: Alexa Bolaños-Carpio and Darcey Searles participate in the 1st International Academy for Conversation Analysis (IACA) in Groningen, the Netherlands. Jeffrey Robinson is one of the workshop leaders and Anita Pomerantz a plenary speaker.

July 3-5, 2016: Lisa Mikesell presents at the Atypical Interaction Conference at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark:

Mikesell, L., Smith, M. S., Mates, A., & Joaquin, A. Is This a Problem? Challenges Identifying Potentially Problematic Behavior in Naturally Occurring Interactions with Atypical Populations.

Isaac, A., Mikesell, L., & Bromley, E. Locating Intersubjectivity and its Absence in Failed Repairs: Conversations with Neurotypical Individuals and those with Schizophrenia

June 9-13, 2016: Alexa Bolaños-Carpio presents a paper titled Can you do me a favor and send me an ambulance? On the request for help in calls to the 9-1-1 at the 66th International Communication Association (ICA) Conference in Fukuoka, Japan

June 13, 2016: Galina Bolden presents at the workshop The Organization of Translation in Talk-in-Interaction, in Helsinki, Finland

June 8-10, 2016: RUCAL presentations at the 8th International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy (ICCAP) in Helsinki, Finland

Galina Bolden, Beth Angell, and Alexa Hepburn, Clients’ requests for medication changes in psychiatry

Beth Angell & Galina Bolden, Negotiating medical treatment in psychiatry (data session)

June 2, 2016: Dr. Elizabeth Stokoe (Loughborough University, UK) and Dr. Gene Lerner (University of California, Santa Barbara) visit RUCAL

March 23-25, 2016: RUCAL students Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, SongHee Park, Darcey K. Searles, and Wan Wei participate in the workshop Advanced Topics in Conversation Analysis at Loughborough University, UK, led by Paul Drew, John Heritage, and Chase Raymond.


January – February, 2016: Congratulations to Alexa Bolaños-Carpio and Wan Wei for defending their dissertations proposals!


Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, Interactions in Calls to 911 Emergency System in Costa Rica, chaired by Galina Bolden


Wan Wei, Medical Interaction in Traditional Chinese Medicine, chaired by Jenny Mandelbaum


November 19-22, 2015: RUCAL presentations at the National Communication Association (NCA) conference in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, Formulating place in calls to the 9-1-1 Costa Rica

Galina Bolden, Are Russians rude? Requests for here-and-now actions in Russian conversation

Alexa Hepburn & Jenny Mandelbaum, The preference for atoning for behavioural transgressions in family mealtime interactions: The case of burping

Lisa Mikesell, Discords in participation in interactions involving individuals with frontotemporal dementia: Considering cognitive resources for everyday interaction 

Jeffrey D. Robinson (PSU) & Heidi Kevoe-Feldman (NEU), The accountability of proposing (vs. soliciting proposals of) arrangements

Darcey K. Searles, Establishing proper positioning: “Shows” of self and objects in family Facetime calls 

Darcey K. Searles & Sarah C. Barriage, “What does that mean?” Repairing young children’s word (non)understanding in family interactions

Wan Wei, “Other” patient participation: The case of traditional Chinese medicine




October 16-17, 2015: The 5th meeting of the Language and Social Interaction Working group (LANSI) at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City:

Lisa Mikesell, Using mHealth technology to elicit clinically relevant experiences during ADHD medication titration visits

July 26-31, 2015: RUCAL presentations at the 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference in Antwerp, Belgium:

Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, Dialectal words in interaction

Galina Bolden, Affirming responses to polar questions in Russian conversation

Jenny Mandelbaum & Galina Bolden, The use of conversational co-remembering to corroborate contentious claims

Tanya Romaniuk, Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, Stephen DiDomenico, Darcey Searles, Wan Wei, Beth Angell, Galina Bolden, Jenny Mandelbaum, Lisa Mikesell & Jeffrey Robinson, “I know” what you mean: Agreement and epistemics in action

Darcey Searles & Sarah Barriage, “Daddy define inspired”: Word Definitions in Family Interactions

Wan Wei, Business Routine as Achievement: Object Transfer and Coordinated Action in Service Encounters

Galina Bolden was a discussant at the round table discussion panel titled Transcribing, glossing and translating non-English transcripts of social interaction, organized by Maria Egbert and Pirjo Nikander

July 3-5, 2015: 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE) in Loughborough, UK:

Jeffrey Robinson (Portland State University) delivered a plenary titled “Breast cancer patients’ surgical decision-making urgency: Gleaning preferences from question-answer sequences”

Galina Bolden and Beth Angell gave a talk “The organization of the treatment recommendation phase in psychiatric visits”

June 24-27, 2015: Revisiting Participation: Language and Bodies in Interaction in Basel, Switzerland:

Galina Bolden presented a keynote titled “Patrolling territories of knowledge in other-initiated repair”


May 21-25, 2015: Work presented at the International Communication Association Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico:

“Special words in interaction” (Alexa Bolaños-Carpio)

“Intervening actions in traditional Chinese medical encounters” (Wan Wei)

“Answering the mobile summons: Managing multiple streams of communication across co-present and mediated modalities” (Stephen DiDomenico, Joshua Raclaw, and Jessica Robles)

November 20-24, 2014: Work presented at National Communication Association Conference in Chicago:

“Responding with “I Know”: Affiliation and Epistemics in Action” (Alexa Bolanos-Carpio, Stephen M. DiDomenico, Darcey K. Searles, Wan Wei, Beth Angell, Galina Bolden, Jenny Mandelbaum, Lisa Mikesell — Rutgers University; Jeffrey Robinson, Tanya Romaniuk — Portland State University)

“Coordinated Movements through a Meeting’s Agenda” (Alexa Bolanos-Carpio)

“’Hi Can I Talk with You?’ Coordinating Identities and Relationships in the Openings of Calls Made to a Telephone Crisis Help Line” (Stephen M. DiDomenico)

“Mobile Devices as a Resource for Providing Direct Epistemic Access in Face-to-Face Conversations” (Joshua Raclaw, University of Wisconsin, Madison;  Jessica S. Robles, University of Washington; Stephen M. DiDomenico, Rutgers University)

“Enacting and Managing Identity through the Repair of Words” (Wan Wei)

“’A Guy as Smart as You’: Psychiatrists’ Client-Attentive Accounts for Medication Change Recommendations” (Beth Angell and Galina Bolden)

“The Use of Conversational Co-Remembering to Corroborate Contentious Claims” (Galina Bolden and Jenny Mandelbaum)

“Exploring Negative Expressive Symptoms of Schizophrenia Outside of the Clinic” (Lisa Mikesell and Michael S. Smith, UCLA)

“Repair as Evidence of a Normative Organization of Responsive Behavior during (Institutional) Extended Tellings” (Anri Zama and Jeffrey Robinson, Portland State University)

“Presidential Candidates Asking Questions in US Political Campaign Debates” (Tanya Romaniuk)

“Remembering and Accountability in Self-Initiated, Self-Repair” (Maria Martika, University of Toronto and Tanya Romaniuk)

November 17, 2014: Dr. Wayne Beach, San Diego State University, presents Communicating About Cancer Journeys at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey

CA Day with RUCAL visitors Drs. Wayne Beach (SDSU) and Alexa Hepburn (Loughborough University, UK)

September 18-20, 2014: Work presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy, Ghent, Belgium:

“Negotiating medical treatment in psychiatry,” data session (Galina Bolden and Beth Angell)

“‘Hi Can I Talk With You?’: Coordinating Identities and Relationships in the Openings of Calls Made to a Telephone Crisis Help Line” (Stephen DiDomenico)

“Psychiatrists’ Use of Client-Attentive Accounts to Justify Treatment Proposals” (Beth Angell and Galina Bolden)

“Exploring negative expressive symptoms of schizophrenia outside of the laboratory” (Lisa Mikesell and Michael Sean Smith, UCLA)